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Cajiga Biography

Cajiga Biography

  Luis Germán Cajiga was born in Quebradillas, a town on the North West of Puerto Rico in 1934. At age eighteen, Luis worked in Don Guillo’s (his father) cigar shop, dreaming about being an artist but uncertain about what his artistic future would look like. One day he saw a copy of the magazine "Alma Latina" where he read the story of a young artist named Alfonso Arana, who was going to study painting in Europe with the help of Doña Inéz Mendoza de Muñoz, the governor’s wife. He saw this as an opportunity and made two drawings colored with...

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Hispanic Country Flags

Hispanic Country Flags Get your Hispanic Country Flags and Flag Sets Here. Click on the images below for a brief description of each country Mexico Panama Paraguay Peru Argentina Honduras Chile Nicaragua Uruguay Spain Colombia Guatemala Dominican Republic Ecuador USA Venezuela Costa Rica Cuba El Salvador Bolivia Puerto Rico  

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U.S.Census Bureau describes Asian-Pacific Americans in over 30 ethnic groups

Asian/Pacific Countries:As a category, the U.S.Census Bureau describes Asian-Pacific Americans inover 30 ethnic groups from South Asian (India), SE Asia (Vietnam), CentralAsia (China), the Pacific Rim (Korea) and the Pacific Basin (Philippines).Hawaii and six island jurisdictions are considered in the Asian-PacificAmerican category as well. They include: American Samoa, Commonwealth ofthe Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. territory of Guam, Republic of theThe Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau. Most popular are Filipino,Japanese, Asian Indian, Korean, Chinese, Hmong, Thai, Cambodian, Laotian,Vietnamese, Burmese, Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi, Malayan, Indonesian,Pakistani. Hope this help. Research from DEOMI, Patrick AFB, FL. Other Countries that may fall into...

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What is the definition of a Hispanic?

The discussion below started in Jan 1999 on the HEP e-mail mailing list.   It is a very interesting discussion so it is published here to share with everyone. Review our extensive collection of Hispanic Heritage month posters, bookmarks, magnets, pins, mugs, and Hispanic country flags. Original Question Silly question that came up at lunch the other day. "What is thedefinition of a Hispanic". we discussed it for a while, but I decided tolook it up in the dictionary. I was surprised. Webster's Definition:Hispanic: Adj. [Lat. Hispanicus, after Hispania (Spain).] Of orrelating to the language, people, or culture of Spain,...

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LIST OF DIVERSITY OBSERVANCES January- Martin Luther King Day  February – Black History MonthMardi Gras March -  Women's History MonthInternational Women's Day -(March 8th)Irish AmericanGreek American St. Patrick's DayCesar Chavez Day March 31st April -Tartan Day (April 6th)Earth Day (April 22nd) Arab-American MonthHolocaust Memorial Day 2017 Monday, April 24 2018 Thursday, April 12 2019 Thursday, May 2 2020 Tuesday, April 21 2021 Thursday, April 8 2022 Thursday, April 28 May - Asian Pacific MonthJewish American WeekCinco de Mayo (May 5th) Older Americans Month June -Flag Day(June 14th)JuneteenthCaribbean American HeritageGay & Lesbian Pride Month African-American Music Appreciation Month  July -July 4th August-Women's Equality Day  September-Hispanic Heritage Month Sept 15 to Oct 15 September...

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